I’ve been getting questions about sore hands. Have you been getting that sore hand feeling too?
Sore hands will often end your climbing session early, especially at an indoor wall. So how do you get the most out of your hands at the wall? Here are 3 things I have learned about getting the most from the skin on your fingers.
1. Keep it cool
The hotter your hands the softer your skin will feel. Sitting in the sun may be enjoyable but your hands will be sweaty when you get back to climbing; rock eats through warm soft skin. If your climbing indoors keep your hands out of your pockets and off your cup of tea. Probably best not to have a hot shower before you go to the wall and leave the washing up until you get home after your session.
2. Keep it dry
I know I know, climbing is super exciting and the blend of excitement and exercise can lead to sweaty hands. Keeping the air moving past your hands will help with this climbing chalk is another great solution. Chalk helps to mop up your sweaty finger tips and help you to feel more secure on the climbing holds.
Find a chalk that works well with your hands as some chalk will feel better than others for you. A good way to do this is try out chalk others are using at the wall. Go on…have a dip into their chalk bag. Get in there and find the best chalk for you.
3. Stop before you see blood
As your climbing session goes on you may see the tips of your fingers turning pink as the abrasive holds wear through your skin layers. Stop your session before you bust through the final skin layer and see blood.
Between sessions your skin needs the best chance to recover. Your skin will recover much more quickly if you don’t go all the way through your finger tips. If you manage your skin recovery well the next session you have will not cut short by sore hands. Give your skin the best chance to heal.
ProTip: Keeping cold air moving past your hands keeps your skin cool and dry. If you are outside hold your hands up to the breeze or swing them around gently to keep the air moving. Keep them out of your pockets and out of the sunshine.
SuperProTip : Using the air of a fan to keep your fingertips cool can be. If there is a fan at your climbing wall hold your hands up in front of it. You will be amazed how much better all the plastic holds feel after this.
The bottom line : Take care of your skin and you will climb better for longer.
That’s it from me, now it’s in your hands
Hi I’m Joe
I help climbers feel better and perform better at the activity they love most, climbing.
If you would like me to help you in your climbing let me know.