Your job is to be the best climber you can be!

But sometimes the way we talk is not all that helpful…especially during a year when our walls kept shutting and our climbing time was paused.

It is time for us all to reframe. So focus on removing the injury niggles, learn a new warm up routine, improve your core, make a distilled list of the routes you really want to climb. We have time, I hope we can see the opportunity and take action to grab it as it passes.

Do these look or sound familiar to you?

1: It is not possible for me to climb my project.

2: It is taking too long to climb my project.

3: I can’t go to the climbing wall.

The flip…

1: Consider which projects are really important to you and why. Here is an opportunity to distil the essence of what motivates you as a climber.

2: How long is too long? Dial into the process, get to know the moves more closely and the holds more intimately. These patterns will be useful to your future climbing self.

3: Time to sort out all those niggles, rest properly.

Flippin’ great

These are just 3 examples, make 3 flips of your own and let me know what you come up with.

2020 gave us opportunities to be stronger and more psyched climbers when we do get back out there!
