What happens when you blow the on-sight?*

Move on? Try to forget it? Go away and train? Select an excuse? Lower off and go again right away? Rest a bit and try again?

On-sight blown…yes but a whole new world has been opened. The world of in-sight. Why did you mess up?

The pursuit of in-sight is a common theme amongst top performing climbers. They seem to search out this space and learn from it. We can learn from them and search it out too.

It’s not easy though. In-sight takes time and humble reflection. Think about what happened. Look for common themes, look for something to work on, look for in-sight.  

Success comes from chasing in-sight not just chasing the on-sight! That means fluffing moves more often.

So get out there and mess up 🚀

*Lingo Climbing On-sight means = climbing a route with no prior knowledge. Just rocking up and doing it!

Have fun, Joe

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