Climbing makes the world a better place
Climbing makes the world a better place
“As a climber for nearly 25 years it is easy to settle into my comfort zone. With Joe’s personalised coaching sessions I have learned new techniques and tactics that helped me hone my skills to climb better. ”
“Training with Joe and the Climbing Clinic helped me smash through a multi-year bouldering plateau and add three V-grades to my outdoor bouldering, with no signs of letting up. ”
climbing knowledge
climbing knowledge
This made me wonder, who was the first to stuff it into their pockets when tying in and taking it up the ropes with them?
Can you imagine how difficult it would be to chalk up if we had to stick our hands into our pockets 😂 That’s why chalk bags evolved.
To change you must raise the bar! Step outside of what you have known before and push your limits outwards.
The pursuit of in-sight is a common theme amongst top performing climbers. They seem to search out this space and learn from it. We can learn from them and search it out too.
If you have never trained for climbing before or you have been climbing for less the two years this is the way to go! This short blog shows you the basics of how to balance your climbing time with your workout time to help you become the best climber you can be.
It is time for us all to reframe. So focus on removing the injury niggles, learn a new warm up routine, improve your core, make a distilled list of the routes you really want to climb. We have time, I hope we can see the opportunity and take action to grab it as it passes.
I’ve been getting questions about sore hands. Have you been getting that sore hand feeling too?
This is the way climbing sessions often end, especially at an indoor wall. So how do you get the most out of your hands at the climbing wall? Here are 3 things I have learned about getting the most from the skin on your hands.
The next time I go to the climbing wall I am going to try sequences of moves I don’t think I can do. I will report back. You could too…let me know how you get on…could be a tough challenge.
Experienced, high performing climbers have learned the art of failing fast, and this is one of the keys to their success. There is something in this we can all learn from. They have the ability to attempt a sequence of moves when failure is a very real potential outcome.
“In climbing you are always faced with new problems in which you must perform using intuitive movements, and then later analyse them to figure out why they work, and then learn from them”
Asking these 4 questions changed my rock climbing forever! Without asking these questions my climbing would not have developed with any focus to where it is today. I am going to share these questions with you here. I hope they with help to focus you and your rock climbing…